The following notebook demonstrates how varying composite scales interact with block estimation error. It is shown that composite length at 50 to 100% of the block size minimizes estimation error, applying the following steps:
The presented workflow may be extended to represent other deposits. Inline annotations with each step will note practical adjustments that may be necessary for this extension.
Import required packages:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from copy import deepcopy
import rmsp
Activate license and set a couple parameters:
log_progress = False # Set to true for progressbars on intensive tasks
rmsp.GlobalParams['core.log_progress'] = log_progress
rmsp.GlobalParams['core.enable_beta'] = True
License cleq45ynq00hkgomxsxs35xet checked out by to clesnrxfv01veo43fmzfih8ct expires in 47 minutes. RMSP is up to date!
Define the simulation grid. 2D in the Easting-Elevation plane is used here for speed and ease of demonstration:
griddef = rmsp.GridDef(0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 500, 1, 100,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 'full')
Easting | Northing | Elevation | |
minimum (m) | 0.0 | -0.5 | 0.0 |
maximum (m) | 500.0 | 0.5 | 100.0 |
size (m) | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
number | 500 | 1 | 100 |
Define the variogram model for input to simulation. Similar to above, an isotropic variogram is used here to simplify subsequent steps (e.g., variogram calculation/fitting at composite scales):
vario = rmsp.VarioModel.from_params(
num_struct=1, nugget=0.2,
shapes='spherical', var_contribs=0.8,
angles=[90, 0, 0] , ranges=[50, 1, 50])
_ = vario.plot(figsize=(5, 3))
Unconditional simulation of a Gaussian deviate. The number of realizations num_reals
may be adjusted down for speed and memory considerations, but may impact numeric stability of the results.
Unconditional simulation of a Gaussian deviate. The number of realizations num_reals
may be adjusted down for speed and memory considerations, but may impact numeric stability of the results:
num_reals = 200
cache = rmsp.Simulator().uncond_simulate(
griddef, vario,
Transform the realizations to a lognormal distribution for additional realism. In practice, consider back-transforming using the normal score transform (and/or other relevant transforms):
mu = np.log(1 / np.sqrt(2))
sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(2))
var = rmsp.Variable('var').set_variable_params(cmap='Spectral_r', clim=(0.1, 10), cmap_log=True)
for ireal, real in cache.iter_realizations():
real[var.col] = np.exp(mu + sigma * real['ns:var'])
cache.set_real(ireal, real[var.col])
Visualize some realizations:
scene = dict(xlim=griddef.extents('x'), ylim=griddef.extents('z'), orient='xz')
fig, axes = rmsp.ImageGrid(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10), cbar_mode='single')
for ireal, real in cache.iter_realizations(griddef=griddef, reals=4):
_ = real.sectionplot(var.col, title=f'Realization {ireal}', ax=axes[ireal], **scene)
Block average to the block-scale used for estimation, providing the reference truths at the estimation scale for final evaluation of estimation error.
block_size = 10.0
griddef_block = griddef.change_cell_size(block_size, 1, block_size)
avg = rmsp.GridAverage(griddef, griddef_block).build()
cache_block = avg.apply_sim(cache, var.col, 'simcache_block/', var.col)
The same realizations are visualized for comparison to the point-scale above:
fig, axes = rmsp.ImageGrid(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10), cbar_mode='single')
for ireal, real in cache_block.iter_realizations(griddef=griddef_block, reals=4):
_ = real.sectionplot(var.col, title=f'Realization {ireal}', ax=axes[ireal], **scene)
We will be sampling the high resolution model realizations with simulated drilling, before compositing at various lengths, up to twice the planned estimation block size. These composite lengths are defined:
lengths = np.arange(griddef.zsize, block_size * 2 + 1)
array([ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20.])
Sample the point-scalerealizations with 30m space drilling, storing the resulting datasets in a dictionary where the first key is the composite length and the second key is the realization index.
drill_spacing = (30, 1)
sampler = rmsp.ModelSampler(spacings=[drill_spacing], azm=90,
comp_len=1.0, locations=griddef,
num_reals=num_reals, offset_per_real=False)
sampler.sample(griddef, var.col, cache)
comps = {lengths[0]: {ireal: sampler.get_data(drill_spacing, ireal)
for ireal in range(num_reals)}}
Composite to increasing lengths in parallel, adding resulting datasets to the comps
def composite(length):
"""Intended to be called in parallel so that a copy of sampler instance is used"""
sampler.composite(length, progressbar=False)
return [sampler.get_data(drill_spacing, ireal) for ireal in range(num_reals)]
results = rmsp.parallel_runner(composite, lengths[1:])
for length, result in zip(lengths[1:], results):
comps[length] = {ireal: r for ireal, r in enumerate(result)}
del result
Inspect results for the first realization:
fig, axes = rmsp.ImageGrid(5, 2, figsize=(10, 10), cbar_mode='single')
for length, ax in zip(lengths, axes):
comps[length][0].sectionplot(var.col, **scene, ax=ax,
title=f'Composite Length = {length}m', s=length * 1.1)
The variogram has adjusted from the input model to the reference simulation, due to the lognormal transformation (or back-transforms in practice) and compositing. The variogram could be calculated/modeled for each individual realization and composite length, but we will simplify the process here by calculating an experimental variogram on the first num_rep
number of realizations, treated as representative of the overall set.
Accumulate the first num_rep
datasets, offsetting them in the y-plane so they aren't mixed in the experimental variogram calculuation:
num_rep = 20
comps_merge = {}
for length in lengths:
comps_merge[length] = []
for ireal, comp in comps[length].items():
if ireal > num_rep:
comp = comp.copy()
comp[comp.x] += 1.0e8 * ireal
comps_merge[length] = pd.concat(comps_merge[length]).reset_index()
In this case, we're working with an isotropic variable, so we'll simply calculate downhole. Multiple search directions and an anisotropic fit may be added in practice.
variomodels = {}
expvarios = {}
zlim = griddef.extents()[1] - griddef.extents()[0]
for length, comp in rmsp.log_progress(comps_merge.items(), progressbar=log_progress):
search = rmsp.ExpVarioSearch(0, 90, rmsp.Lags(length, length * 0.5, int(60 / length)))
expvarios[length] = rmsp.ExpVario().calculate(comp, var.col, search, progressbar=False)
variomodels[length] = rmsp.VarioModel.fit_experimental(
expvarios[length], num_struct=2, shapes="spherical", ranges12_bounds=1, ranges13_bounds=1)
Visualize the variograms and fit models. Fine tuning or manual enforcement of the nugget effect could be performed in practice.
fig, axes = rmsp.ImageGrid(5, 3, figsize=(10, 10), aspect=False)
for length, ax in zip(lengths, axes):
expvarios[length].plot(ax=ax, title=f'Composite Length = {length}m')
estimates = {}
for length, comp in rmsp.log_progress(comps.items(), progressbar=log_progress):
estimates[length] = []
# Search and number of block discretizations are set per composite length
search = rmsp.Search.from_vario_buffer(
variomodels[length], buffer_by=5, min_comps=12, max_comps=24, max_comps_per_dhid=5)
num_discret = min(max(int(block_size / length), 1), 5)
for ireal, comp in comps[length].items():
kriger = rmsp.KrigeEstimator(search, variomodels[length], num_discret=[num_discret, 1, 5])
estimates[length].append(kriger.estimate(griddef_block, data=comp, var=var.col, progressbar=False))
# Ensure all blocks are estimated
assert estimates[length][-1]['estimate'].isna().sum() == 0
Attach the associated reference truths at the block scale to the estimates before calculating overall estimation RMSE by composite length:
rmses = []
for length, estimate in estimates.items():
for ireal, real in cache_block.iter_realizations():
estimate[ireal]['truth'] = real[var.col].values
estimate = pd.concat(estimate).reset_index(drop=True)
rmses.append(np.sqrt(np.mean((estimate['estimate'] - estimate['truth'])**2)))
Plot calculated RMSE against composite length:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
ax.plot(lengths, rmses, 'o-')
rmsp.format_plot(ax, 'Composite Length (m)', 'RMSE', f'Composite Length vs. RMSE ({block_size}m Block)', grid=True)
_ = ax.set_xticks(lengths, labels=[str(int(l)) for l in lengths])